he glorious Sunday service began at about 8:00am which was conducted by Mr.  Joseph Ashom.

and  intercessory prayer by Joel Tarni.

Special Song ministration by the Youth Fellowship, the choir, and a playlet by the drama group provoking the congregation of having a voice and unite towards the forth coming elections in 2023.

The sermon was brought forth by Rev. Okpanachi Ebiloma. with the topic: Unity; the key to christian growth in Christ with text from Ephesians 4: 3-6 .Before he began, he charged the youths to do what is right. particularly saying " in heaven, he wants to be OBI-dient and YUS-ful" .

Giving a recap from day 1, he said: since we are made in the nature of God, then He wants us to believe in ourself first before believing in others.

Day 3, we looked at possibility in Christ by  removing hindrances and cling to Jesus so that we can walk in Unity.

Day 5, God said he'll build his church and no powers on earth and in heaven that can prevail over it. He made clear that Unity is a combination of parts to make a whole.

Of which Unity is essential and fundamental.

Rev. Okpanachi said "What can bring growth and the change we yearn for is unity; and that is until we join heads together" . He added that It is a battle between the cross and the star& moon.

If Christ lives in us, then it's that relationship that helps us live as one with our brothers.

 The speaker gave some CAUSES OF DISUNITY;

* Selfishness

* Pride

* We lack the attitude of Christ: 

* Factionalism and sectionalism 

* "the know it all" syndrome

* Rivalry 

Verse 3 of our text made us understand that we should make every effort to keep the unity regardless of how difficult it is, we should persevere in the spirit through the bond of peace. God has place something inherent on every christian to live in peace with each other.

Verse 4-6 gave us reasons to be united because we are one body,  one spirit ( the holy spirit which dwells in our heart and gives us grave that are unusual ), one hope( the after life in heaven), one Lord, one God and one Father of all.

 He then  asked a question


* We must take risk

*  We must all be committed 

When there is a will, there is always a way.

the fate of the world is in our hands as christians. If we are willing to take risk, then nothing would be impossible for us. Quoting from Esther 4:14.

He concluded with the story of four cows, a hyena and a fox and charged all christian to get their PVCs and wake up for their slumber and see beyond now!

"If we fail to get it right in 2023, then you've lost our mandate".

The benediction was said by Rev. Sele Dagok.