Today, The Boys Brigade Nigeria 19th Jos North Bathalion Company of COCIN LCC JOS JARAWA observed her annual Enrollment service. 

It was such a glorious and colourful service as the boys looked dazzling on their uniforms. The boys were promoted and decorated to various ranks - Lieutenant Officers, Corporal officers, NCOs and  many others. 
Not to be left out was Rev. Sele Dagok who was decorated as the Chaplain of the Battalion.
The guest preacher, Pst. Ponman Bako brought forth the message from the book of Ecclesiastes 12:1. 
He Charged the boys to be faithful in their service to Christ and urging the officers to lead the younger boys closer to Christ.

After which the Boys Brigade went out for a match pass. Consisting of 5 squad, A colour party, the band section, Sectional commanders, Patrons and Patroness and the General Parade Commander in person of Ajang Japheth.
The excitement on the faces of the boys knew no limit as they boys were awarded for their dedication to the Bathalion. 

Colourful and Mind-blowing displays leaving everyone amazed. Indeed it was a day to remember.
Awards were also presented to deserving boys of the Battalion..
Long Live the Boys Brigade Nigeria 19th Jos North Bathalion Company!

Compiled by Lilian Adija Izang and Emmy Ajik.