The day 4 of the 2022 Youth week was an interactive talk show coined under the nomenclature “Family Night”. Three Couples were invited as guest for the program and these included: -

1. Mr. and Mrs. Selbol Lashal

Mr. & Mrs. Selbol 

2. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmadu Ishaya Nyam

The Ahmadus 

3. Rev and Mrs. Sele Dagok

Mr. Harpy Jinginah and Miss Abi John Izang
were the moderators. 

After a good session of worship from the Church Band, the opening prayer and the congregational hymn, the main event which was the family night took full swing.

The interactive session took an interesting and controversial twist as one of the guests gave a disturbing definition of who a youth is. According to the guest, “Youths are sinful and foolish, and that is why the need the elderly to give them guidance”.  

What is your take on this definition of a youth??

The evening was pretty interesting as some pertinent questions were asked and opinions from the guests were sampled. Below are some of the questions and responses perused.


Marriage ring is a seal of the marriage covenant, just like Jonathan and David sealed the oath of their covenant by Jonathan giving David his sword, garment etc. so when a couple fail to consistently put on the marriage ring, does that imply disunity or infidelity?


The understanding between the man and his wife is very important so that even if the marriage ring is not worn, it does not imply disunity or infidelity

Some occasion may not warrant the putting on of the ring. Some job types for example are not ring friendly like working around magnetic machines in factories or surgeons performing surgery 

Not putting on a marriage ring doesn’t cause disunity because there are times you may not feel like putting it on but the bond between the couple is intact.


Some wives say things like “My money is my money but the husband’s money is our money” Is this not a clear display of disunity?


The husband is the head of the house and his wife is just a helper. It is his responsibility to carter for the family. So, his money is “Our money” and should not be eyeing the wife’s money

Husbands and wives should be united in their finance as well. If the two shall be one just like the Bible says, there should be unity in finance.

Because of the uncaring and unsupportive nature of some men that is why such statements are made by some women. Where a man is wasteful, useless and negligent to his duties, then the woman acts in such a way


In the family, communication is very vital. Is the communication only meant to be between the husband and the wife or does it include the children? If yes, how can children be brought into the loop?


Communication within the family varies. How the man and his wife communicate will certainly not be the way it will be with the children. Again, even within the children, it also varies according to their age and maturity level

Setting up a good communication platform for the children is very good and should be encouraged so that the children feel they are respected and heard. This enables the children to open up and warm up to their parents.


When both parents are working class, how can there be balance between their career and the Home-Front?


Parents should not allow the whole day go by without have a little interaction with their children, no matter how busy their day is. They should endeavor to ask their children how their day went or what they ate. Little questions but intentionally done to keep the parent children communication alive. Again, parents should apply for annual leave at a time that will allow for parent and children to catch on on things.

The use of phone can aid a lot to keep in touch with the children especially in terms of travel assignments or business trips.


When both parents are blessed with individual cars, then on a typical Sunday morning each parent comes for Church service in separate cars, does that show unity?


Because of the nature of most women who take a lot of time to dress and get ready for Church, it is not a lack of unity if they come in separate cars. Again, because of the high cost of things, in order to come in one car, the wife is made to begin preparation a long while ahead of time.

There is no need to use separate cars of it is only church that is to be attended i.e., when there are no further different engagements peculiar to the couple, then they should come in one car


How does unity in the family affect the unity in the Church and society at large?


Unity in the family gives the pastors peace of mind and less counselling to do. They can have more time to plan and preach a qualitative message rather than trying to settle family disputes because of disunity or misunderstanding within the family units

The attitude and character of people withing the church such as church groups for example is a reflection of the same character or attitude displayed at the home front. 


Is there any Question you still have some questions about? Drop those questions in the comment section...